Session: How to negotiate away your personal gender pay gap
The current gender pay gap is going to take over 100 years to close at its current rate (and this was before the pandemic hit). A combination of opaque pay systems, pay secrecy in the workplace, lower numbers of women negotiating for better career benefits and higher pushback rates for women who do, will keep the gender pay gap thriving for many years to come. The pandemic has highlighted just how fragile gender equality is as well as how much of our career options have been decided by our employers and not by us. This talk will equip attendees with the skills to negotiate for more in their careers so that more women can close their gender pay gaps on their terms.
I am a gender and ethnicity pay gaps consultant with 10 years’ experience working at the Equality and Human Rights Commission, supporting employers.
In addition to consulting on the very relevant topics of gender and ethnicity pay gaps, I also teach negotiation skills to ambitious women who want to hold braver conversations about money and progression to further their careers, sky-rocket their business and close their gender & ethnicity pay gaps on their terms.
As an international speaker and consultant, I support organisations and individuals in finding their own paths to close pay gaps. I do this through a mixture of consultancy, training and coaching.
I believe there are many ways in which we can close pay gaps, I would love to discuss this at The Women Tech Global Conference. My talks are relevant to both organisations that want to create a more inclusive workplace and needs to address pay gaps and inequality and to ambitious women who want to get more confident in articulating their worth in their career or business.